Our strategy is effective:
Ensure learners pass matric, apply to three post-school opportunities and get into a post-school opportunity that will ensure they are set on the path to earning a dignified living.
It works
For over 16 years, we have been delivering excellent outcomes and an independent evaluation shows that our model has a statistically significant impact. The energy of our staff, tutors and mentors and, of course, the learners themselves drives these learning gains, and shows that large improvements can happen with the right type of after-school support.

and more learners are supported at over 30 township locations
and more youth have completed Grade 12 with the support of our programme.
passed and 73% were eligible for tertiary
and more have accessed post-school opportunities including tertiary, learnerships, jobs and some upgraded their matric to access better opportunities.
Our impact can be told in numbers, percentages, evaluations and reports but what matters most is how do we really change the lives of our beneficiaries
Impact at a Glance (2011-2017)

Our maths and science results
Then, the maths and science results, in the last three years:

This impact sounds simple but getting these results is far from easy. All branches face challenges every year which affect our learners, from gangsterism in schools, to no water and electricity, to floods. In Umlazi (in Durban), for example, there was a period when learners couldn’t attend the branch because of child abductions in the township and then there were the floods, where one of our learners lost her brother. In Atlantis and at Leiden, there were leaners who were shot in the school grounds and learners were not able to stay behind for IkamvaYouth’s after school sessions because of gang violence at a number of the schools we work in. We would therefore like to acknowledge the hard work done by our branch staff and tutors to achieve these results in these contexts.